

Other Skills

Experience: various

Common Lisp, Clojure, Emacs Lisp, Scheme

Lisps are elegant and powerful—probably, many programmers have experienced this feeling after even a glance of SICP . And, probably, many people were as well disappointed finding out that the demand for these languages is extremely low in the market. C’est la vie—it’s very difficult to find like-minded people when the language itself allows you to change it for any needs and programming paradigms.

Still, it’s interesting to poke around with SBCL sometimes: it’s convenient to deploy an application, to the runtime of which you can connect at any time for free and tweak something, up to redefining the hierarchy of classes and the multithreading model (at runtime). And the ability to create a DSL without having to write parsers and lexical analyzers is very interesting. And all this with the performance of C++.

The relatively popular Clojure is also interesting, but I find it annoying, that applications using it are slow and consume a lot of resources (JVM after all) and that it has severely limited possibilities for expanding the language itself. But a strict emphasis on the immutability of any data clearly makes it easier to develop multi-threaded applications. I would like to see it in real production sometime.

And, since I use Emacs as my main editor, sometimes I have to write a little in ELisp ( my config as a compiled Org-mode file).


In my previous jobs, every now and then there was a need to draw some presentable diagram or graphics. I don’t have any art or design education, and laptop’s touchpad is the only tool I have, but I seem to have mastered the illustrations for this site 😅


Required knowledge for anyone whose activity is even slightly related to mathematics. Previous jobs have shown that LaTeX is not only suitable for scientific work, but also for compiling development reports.

Circuit Design

Since the testing equipment that I developed was made in a small laboratory, I was involved in the full production cycle of these devices: calculations, design, assembling, testing. In particular, I designed the circuits of these devices (both power (2 kW per device) and control parts) and laid out printed circuit boards. In the early stages, everything was done using Micro-Cap and Altium Designer , later I switched at Qucs-S and KiCad .

At the moment, I’m not interested in circuit design anymore, but I can share my experience if needed.


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